Great piece and Twitter clips. The recent 4 mass shootings in California, 2 gang related and 2 in close proximity to Lunar New Year point out that gun laws can not fix mass shootings as many are due to increasing mental illness issues. After the PTSD created by the pandemic and our response to it mental illness has risen further. Add to that the lack of support for investigating, arresting and prosecuting gangs. That is where the governor should be focusing his attention. A rigorous mental illness program that includes inpatient as well as outpatient care might even help with our burgeoning homeless population. But mental illness does not fit the progressive political narrative.

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Thank you, Eileen for reading and commenting! You are quite right about the pandemic and PTSD--it is no accident that both these gentlemen were senior citizens. We have no idea how all this lockdown and threat to their well-being affected their mental state. It has definitely heightened what already is a pressing problem. You are also right: progressives have no interest in helping people with mental health issues because they make too much money off the problems that present with it. Tragic.

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