Gavin Newsom Never Lets a Tragedy Go to Waste
After all, he has to look presidential at all times.
Radio host Jesse Kelly introduced his Tuesday show on The First, warning people that they should be more concerned about California Governor Gavin Newsom and his bottomless ambition.
This is something I have been preaching about for years.
Unlike former President Barack Obama at the time he was on the rise, Newsom has a long track record of corruption, malfeasance, and failure that has been well documented and won’t be so easily forgotten. The destruction he has overseen in California is also on display for all the nation to see, and its residents annually flee the state in droves for real freedom states like Texas and Florida.

However, we also have a veritable vegetable in the White House who has a blighted and checkered past that should have disqualified him from higher office.
Yet, here we are.
If you hadn’t noticed, Newsom was practically drooling over President Joe Biden when he stumbled through California last week to assess the storm damage. Part of it was him slavering over the federal disaster aid money he’s looking to waste on pet projects that will do nothing to help these victims (just ask the 2018 Paradise fire victims), but part of it was the opportunity to mug for the cameras. Newsom will find any excuse to pose, posture, and pontificate as opposed to actually doing the work of governing the state.
His Hairfulness was awarded another opportunity to pretend at leadership with the unfortunate mass shootings over the weekend. The first one occurred in Monterey Park, a Southern California suburb in the San Gabriel Valley:
At least 10 people have been killed in a shooting at a dance hall on Saturday night in a city close to Los Angeles, on the eve of the lunar new year.
A gunman opened fire around 10.20pm on Saturday night at a ballroom dance studio in Monterey Park, California. Ten people – five men and five women – died at the scene, and at least 10 more were taken to nearby hospitals with injuries, officials said.
Huu Can Tran, a 72-year-old Asian man. Tran was found dead on Sunday morning in a white van that police had identified as a suspicious vehicle. They said he had died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Of course, the first thing Newsom did was jump on the gun control agenda and Asian hate agenda. This, despite the fact that perpetrator Huu Can Tran obtained his guns illegally (so much for stringent gun laws), and the fact that he’s, well… Asian. But Newsom has never let facts get in the way of an opportunity to pontificate about the evils of “weapons of mass destruction,” and “large capacity clips.”
Spouting nonsense, as is his wont. But to the progressives that love them some Gavin, and the low information voters nationally who he wants to see him as president, it appears that his regurgitation of talking points gives off the appearance that he is doing something. It was the late Rush Limbaugh who often said that being a Leftist requires nothing but feeling deeply and passionately about a certain issue and declaring that something must be done.
And then, nothing gets done.

The second mass shooting incident occurred in Northern California, in the coastal community of Half Moon Bay at a mushroom processing facility.
The 66-year-old gunman who went on a killing spree at two mushroom farms in Half Moon Bay had legally purchased his firearm, had no prior contact with local law enforcement, and was an employee of one of the farms he targeted.
At a news conference Tuesday, San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus said six men and two women were allegedly shot by Half Moon Bay resident Chunli Zhao.

Officials later confirmed that five of the men and both women were killed. A male victim underwent surgery at Stanford and is in stable condition.
They also confirmed that Zhao was an employee at the formerly-named Mountain Mushroom Farm, now in operation as California Terra Garden, where four people were shot dead. He had previously worked at Concord Farms, the second shooting location, where authorities said he killed three people.
Corpus said that the only known connection between the shooter and his victims is that "they may have been coworkers."
"All the evidence we have points to this being workplace violence," Corpus told reporters. "The Mountain Mushroom Farm, the first location, was where the suspect was employed."
So, you have two individuals, both Asian, with questionable mental faculties. That’s not maligning either of these men: anyone who would make the choice to deliberately target and shoot innocent people is not mentally well by any stretch. One individual obtained his weapons illegally. The other legally owned his.
How does this indicate a problem with guns? It sounds like a problem with the hearts and minds of men.
However, on Monday, while Newsom was preening and pontificating with CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell, another mass shooting occurred in Oakland.
A mass shooting at a gas station in Oakland Monday evening killed at least one person and injured at least seven others, the second mass shooting in the Bay Area Monday and the third in California in three days.
Mario Navarro died in the shooting reported just after 6 p.m. in the 5900 block of MacArthur Boulevard, where 40 to 50 people were at the music video shoot when gunfire broke out, acting Police Chief Darren Allison said at a news conference Tuesday.
Five people, including Navarro, were struck by the gunfire, which also hit a vehicle and nearby business, and three other people were injured in a crash while fleeing the scene, Allison said.
It is doubtful that Newsom was too exhausted from his verbal diarrhea to comment about this crime, whose suspects are still in the wind, and motives currently under investigation. But we have yet to hear much about this particular shooting, and haven’t heard a peep from Gavin.

You see, Black folks need that half a million dollars in reparations because, equity and racial justice. Black people shooting each other? Just something they do. Not even worthy of a mention.
Oakland and Chicago always seem to be exempt from the gun crisis that Democrats claim plagues our nation. But these are the same people who voted for Barack Obama, and rest assured, when Newsom gets his turn, they’ll vote for him too.
Great piece and Twitter clips. The recent 4 mass shootings in California, 2 gang related and 2 in close proximity to Lunar New Year point out that gun laws can not fix mass shootings as many are due to increasing mental illness issues. After the PTSD created by the pandemic and our response to it mental illness has risen further. Add to that the lack of support for investigating, arresting and prosecuting gangs. That is where the governor should be focusing his attention. A rigorous mental illness program that includes inpatient as well as outpatient care might even help with our burgeoning homeless population. But mental illness does not fit the progressive political narrative.