The Week That Was: Social Engineering, Political Queering, and Community Peering
Deep-diving into what emulsifies and erodes a society, this first Week of November 2023.
The focus of the writing this week has been community events and deep-dives. The algorithm that sorts my work linked above is committed to featuring my 1819 work. I was blessed to be asked to write a bi-weekly opinion article for this Alabama-centric news site. A district in Birmingham (the center of the state) just had a special election to replace a corrupt state rep who had to resign. As Ecclesiastes so aptly says, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” Whether it be California or Alabama, there will always be stories to chase, and this one is particularly interesting.
And speaking of California, there are major issues to be covered there, particularly with the school systems, which have become a parental rights battleground. A two-part exclusive on the La Canada Unified School District encompassed my week, capped off by a beautiful community event in my adopted Shoals.
Take a peek at the Week.