The Week That Was: Congressional Oversight, Transcendence into Heavenly Light, and Meritocratic Confluence v. Mediocre Influence
The assault on constitutional norms, the demise of corrupt politicians, and the fight to stem the flow of the inept ascending to power. It was a bumpy ride for the week of 05-16 to 05-21, 2023.
With the dropping of the Durham Report on May 15, (a report that the Left and legacy media are tacitly ignoring), it was ripping off a Band-aid—a very stuck and dirty one at that. I plan to write more extensively about it once I wrap my head around the sheer gravity of what was done by a sitting president, a corrupt harridan, and their party because they simply wanted power all to themselves.
On the local tip, Nathan Fletcher finally resigned, and there are plans to try and get back the money he siphoned off the citizens of San Diego, and keep the heat on regarding the sexual harassment lawsuit he and the Metropolitan Transportation System of San Diego are attempting to bury. So, trouble don’t last alway, and the wicked do see judgment in this life.
Our world lost a shining light and a sound Biblical teacher in Tim Keller, who transcended to glory on Thursday. I never really knew the depth of his work until I wrote an obit for RedState chronicling his life and influence. Now I wished I had paid more attention. We are blessed to live in this technological age where sermons and books are now easily accessible. Like C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Spurgeon, and G.K. Chesterton, Keller’s work and labor of service to the Lord (and us) was not in vain and lives on. So, he is now on my list of sermons to watch and listen.