On to the Next Mission...

So the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer is complete! I made it 39.3 miles, and with your help, I raised $1,811.00 toward life-saving research and treatments for women and men. Over $4.6 million was raised collectively--as the director said in the opening ceremony, in these tough economic times, that's no small feat!

I was touched by the participants and their stories and dedication, community support in all shapes and sizes, and especially the crew, who watched over our every step, made sure we were properly hydrated and had snacks, and all-in-all made a tough walk a whole lot of fun!
Never one to rest on my laurels, I will be doing a shorter walk on October 3 called "Light the Night." Its goal is to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. For those of you who don't know, my dear sister June died as a result of complications from her battle with a T-Cell Lymphoma; so this is a bit more personal and tender, but just as important to me as the AVON Walk.
I am looking to raise $800.00, so if you did not get a chance to contribute to the AVON Walk, and would like to support this one, the link is below.
Thanks for reading, and all your support!