
News Bites for 08-11-2022

A Raid by any other name, would still stink to high heaven.

As I wrote on Wednesday, this FBI raid is not going well for the FBI…

But, but, but, No one is above the law!!!!

AG Garland said something similar to this in his presser. This collage shows just how ridiculous that statement is, because apparently, some people ARE above the law.

But the turning is happening—not only is November coming, but we can see 2024 from our house…

And did you hear? The CDC finally found the right science to follow.

Ron DeSantis may need to get a restraining order the way Gavin Newsom keeps getting up in his grill.

Just sayin’….

And the latest progressive “opponent” of Newsom has decided if he can’t beat ‘em, he’ll join ‘em. Ahh, Tony Villar