In my passion surrounding the conversation on Life and the pro-life cause, I inadvertently said that abortion clinics were being targeted by this awful group identifying itself as Jane’s Revenge. That is not the case. Jane’s Revenge is only interested in targeting pro-life organizations, pregnancy resource centers, and churches that have taken a stand for Life. The Family Research Council has identified over 50 churches and pro-life resource centers that have been targeted and attacked since the SCOTUS leak of the draft decision concerning Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health.

The Left’s strawman narrative that pro-lifers attack abortion clinics constantly is patently false. That is not to deny that attacks have happened in the past. But these were unhinged people who latched onto the pro-life cause in order to bring damage. The pro-life movement neither advocates, nor participates in the type of terrorism that the pro-abortion activists capriciously and willingly engage in.
Why Pro-Life? Gives a sober assessment of this history. Give it a read.

In terms of the fate of abortion clinics, they appear to be aborting themselves. This is a good thing, and dependent upon the outcome of the SCOTUS Dobbs ruling, this shuttering of the death merchant’s doors could be permanent in states that already have laws and restrictions in place that limit abortion services and abortifacients.

Ma tha Siobhan (If God Is Merciful).
We may yet see a Red Tsunami, but Republicans could seal the deal easily if they stand for what voters value, fight with us, and offer alternatives to the madness on the Democrat side. As we are seeing from the treatment of Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), voters are tired of politicians that offer lip service and pretend conservatism, while selling out their constituents and what they value.
People are tired of being manipulated, tired of the tone deafness on both sides, and are willing to support and vote in authentic candidates who commit to upholding their values.
This win by Mayra Flores (also in Texas) is a reflection that.

Our idiot California governor is gearing up for a presidential run. We would love to stop him in his tracks by depriving him of a second term. But, if he succeeds in getting re-elected, he will officially become America’s problem.
Gavin Newsom Joins 'Truth Social' to Question 'America's Red State Murder Problem'
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