In My Orbit: We are NOT the Zero Percent...
Digital Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti /
The Girl has been having way too much fun on Twitter today (and gaining some new followers to boot)! All because of a skewed poll.
The collective wisdom of NBC News and the Wall Street Journal put out a poll that gives our dear President Obama a four point lead over Governor Mitt Romney. What is noteworthy about this poll's details is that it says Mitt Romney has zero... you heard me, Z-E-R-O percent of the Black vote. Read the details for yourself: NBC/WSJ Poll: Heading into conventions, Obama has four-point lead.
Apparently I missed the call from NBC, because they never asked me. I'm Black and I will be voting for Mitt Romney. You can click on my tag for "Obama" "B.H. Obama" and "Obama Presidency" to read the posts that highlight all my reasons why. Off the top of my head, I can name at least 10 Black people whom I know personally that will be casting their vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket. Then there are the hundreds of Blacks that I know peripherally, either on Facebook, Twitter or some other form of networking, who will also be casting their vote for Romney/Ryan. So what gives?
More interesting than this poll's obviously flawed sampling, is the backlash from some known Black Conservatives, and a multitude of us lesser-known ones. We are here, we are vocal, and we are tired of being marginalized!
Shout out to my new favorite conservative blogger, Kira Davis who was the first person I read who pointed out this ridiculous: "Did the 'professionals' at NBC/WSJ even leave their own office buildings to conduct this poll? "
A just question, since when looking at both the masthead of WSJ and the faces on NBC News, you wonder where the diversity lies in these organizations... but I digress.
For the past few days the hastag #BlackConservativesforRomney has been trending on Twitter, and we have been having a pahtay!, pointing out this polls false conclusions, pointing out why President Obama does not deserve a second term, and getting to know each other in our collective stand against the ridiculous meme that we do not exist.
Twitchy was smart enough to pick up on this trend, and The Blaze also took note. Haven't heard from CNN, Fox or any other news outlets on this, but they tend to always be late to the party.
The law of unintended consequences--methinks WSJ and NBC did not envision this when they ran with this story.
#Epic Fail for them--maximum exposure for #BlackConservativesforRomney!
As an additional shout out, here's a documentary video from Hip-Hop Republican. And these are the young people: