If Vigilance for Children is on Your Resolution List, "It's Not About The Sex," is a Great Information and Resource Guide for the New Year

Author John DiGirolamo seeks to help us understand the faces that make up human trafficking, and give us the tools to help fight it.

John DiGirolamo is an author who reaches out to me when he would like to talk about his latest book. I am always happy to do so, as he is a gifted writer who covers subjects worth knowing about. One of my unwritten rules is to support fellow writers like him where I can, and with what little platform I have, this is one of the ways that I can.

As a storyteller, DiGirolamo’s perspective always offers a different twist on whatever subject matter he is presenting. DiGirolamo’s latest book, It’s Not About The Sex, is no different. The stories about the different types of people embroiled in the world of human trafficking is compelling, discouraging, yet uplifting all at once.

In our discussion about his book, DiGirolamo said,

"I like to tell people God loves a comeback story, and this is a comeback story."

DiGirolamo focuses on the stories of an advocate, a survivor, a law enforcement officer, and a reformed brothel madam, and weaves it with real-time information and data on how online predators target our children and why we should be paying attention, even to children who are not our own.

"I really want to give a voice to these people who have been exploited," DiGirolamo encouraged.

While the subject matter is less-than-palatable, the practical helps, resources, and stories of those who have overcome and work to help others do the same is worth a read.

I’ve written a few words with some video snippets of my interview with John DiGirolamo over at RedState.com.

As always, the full interview is available to my paid subscribers.