Epic Fail: Benghazi-Gate
Terrorist Attack on the U.S. Consulate at Benghazi, Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and four other Americans.
During George W. Bush's administration, I worked in the hotbed of leftism known as West Los Angeles. Lattes, law firms, and liberals as far as the eye could see. Many of the cars bore their political leanings, with hateful bumper stickers reflecting the Bush Derangement Syndrome that was rampant at the time. One in particular said, "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."
This expression (and the bumper sticker h/t Zazzle) is making a comeback, and rightfully so--but this time, it's the conservatives that are taking up the clarion call.
The Obama administration has overseen 42 months of 8 percent unemployment, a reduction of our credit rating, median household incomes dropping more than 8 percent, and gas and food prices soaring. This alone would represent an Epic Fail for any administration.
But it is President Obama's ideological attachment to the Muslim world through appeasement and apology where he has doubled-down on failure.
On September 11, 2012, the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Ambassador Chris Stevens, defense contractor Sean Smith, and two other Americans were brutally murdered. What was the first act of this administration? Well, not much.
President Obama made a perfunctory speech which blamed a video which was critical of Islam. Mind you, this video originally appeared on YouTube in July. As I said on my Twitter feed, "The kicker? They were able to hold their 'offense' over this video in check until 9/11/2012, and then they unleashed. Yeah...."
Words like, "spontaneous attack" and "nothing to do with 9/11" were bandied about by the Carney, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the sycophant media. The President of Libya even said that this attack was indeed a pre-planned terrorist plot. He was dismissed as trying to deflect blame and protect his own interests.
To add insult to injury, President Obama trotted off to a campaign fundraiser in Las Vegas the evening after the attacks. Such a stunning show of leadership: The Middle East burned, Obama fundraised.
Despite the fact that this Benghazi debacle precipitated similar attacks in Cairo, Egypt and other U.S. embassies in the Middle East and Africa, our news media was obsessed with 1) blaming the video, and 2) pretending the world was not burning. Both of these takes outraged me greatly. Had this been the George W. Bush administration, there would be an immediate tie-in to the 9/11 date, calls for investigations, and round-the-clock op eds about how the world hates us because of Bush.
The targeting and subsequent arrest of the filmmaker who made this video, and the administration's attempts to strong arm YouTube to pull the video down (they did not), continued to reflect the doubling-down on a ridiculous meme to cover over what was a horrific terrorist attack, on top of assaulting the First Amendment. Then there were the videos released in Palestine, featuring President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, effectively apologizing for the anti-Muslim video and for free speech.
President Obama even had the unmitigated gall to speak before the United Nations General Assembly and say "Peace is hard." Gee, no sh%t, Sherlock! Then went into a defense of the Islamist crazies by saying, "The Future Must Not Belong to Those Who Slander the Prophet of Islam," and tripled-down on the video meme. All of this while snubbing an urgent request by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet with him in New York about Iran's race toward a nuclear bomb, yet making room for the culturally relevant nags of The View.
Two weeks of this dog and pony show has come crashing down on the Obama administration and the State Department, and not a moment too soon.
The on-top-of-it activists like Breitbart were out of the box to immediately call foul. The rest of the media started to show up a few days later. Eli Lake's well-executed story in The Daily Beast showed U.S. Officials knew within 24-hours that this was indeed a well-planned and executed Al Qaeda terrorist attack.
"A spokesman for the National Security Council declined to comment for the story. But another U.S. intelligence official said, “I can’t get into specific numbers but soon after the attack we had a pretty good bead on some individuals involved in the attack."
U.S. Officials Knew Libya Attacks Were Work of Al Qaeda Affiiliates.
In the days following U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's tour of the Sunday shows, the administration continued to flip, flop, deny, and lie. As the Ogden Nash's poem says, "Golly, how the truth will out!"--thankfully, their lies continued to be exposed.
Breitbart hit it out the park again, Joel Pollack revised a BDS-ism for his title to fit this current scandal: "People Died, Obama Lied":
"Worse, the Obama administration inflamed the supposed outrage over the film by telling the world that the U.S. condemned it and was not responsible for it--even buying airtime on Pakistani television to broadcast that apologetic message.
"It also sent a signal that American principles of free expression were up for negotiation by suggesting that free speech did not include the right to insult other people’s religions, and Islam in particular.
"Now, as new details emerge every day about what the Obama administration knew and when, it is clear that President Barack Obama lied shamelessly to the American people about a terror attack that claimed American lives.
"The lies were repeated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice, among other officials. That the lies were likely told for political reasons is not an excuse but cause for additional alarm. (emphasis mine)
"The reason the Obama administration believes it can get away with the lies is that it has done so before--and the media have generally looked the other way."
Finally, Michael Graham of the Boston Herald joins the truth team (NOT Obama's): Prez Weaves a Web of Lies:
"Last week, Obama sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton out to say the FBI was on top of the investigation in Libya. FBI Associate Deputy Director Kevin Perkins told Congress on Sept. 19 that an investigation was underway.
"Actually, Mr. President . . . no. As of this writing, no FBI agent has even arrived in Benghazi. CNN reports the “crime scene” has yet to even be secured.
"And on Tuesday, Mr. President, you gave a speech at the United Nations about the violence against America, in which you mentioned YouTube a half-dozen times, but didn’t use the word “terrorist” or “terrorism” once.
"Actually, Mr. President . . . that’s just pathetic.
"Karl Rove just said 'Mr. Obama has taken ordinary political differences beyond anything we’ve seen.'
"I’m with Rove. I’ve seen 'spin,' I’ve seen parsing 'the definition of "is,"' but I’ve never seen anything like this avalanche of outright lies."
Neither have I. I am paying attention, and I am more than outraged.
Are you?