
Bonus News Bites for 05-04-2022

What we thought would be a trickle news day turned into a news tsunami with the SCOTUS leak.

In case you missed it, here’s my coverage on the SCOTUS Leak on Substack and RedState:

The Democrats Make a Last Ditch Effort to Stave Off Midterm Defeat By Leaking a SCOTUS Draft Opinion

Politico Tries to Pre-Game SCOTUS by Publishing Leaked Draft Opinion Overturning Roe

With Roe v. Wade In the Balance, The Left is Changing Its Tune From ‘What Are Women?’ to ‘We Are the Protectors of Women’

Make no mistake. The Left doesn’t want abortion to be decided by the states, which is what would occur if the Supreme Court does indeed strike Roe down. “whims of the public” Biden said:

Planned Parenthood is Margaret Sanger’s brainchild, and abortion on demand is simply a fulfillment of her vision.

Margaret Sanger's racist legacy lives on at Planned Parenthood

And nobody wants to talk about the Black Genocide of 20 million black babies that have been killed since 1973. They’d rather talk about the minority poor who won’t be able to afford to kill their babies, and mortality rates.

My encouragement: Find your local crisis pregnancy center and do what you can to support and advertise the work that they do.