A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to 2007!
Or as Sinatra would sing, "It was a very good year..."
No excuse for slacking on the Blog, but somewhere between December of 2006 and December 2007, life became incredibly eventful! Call it "A Series of Fortunate Events," if you'd like, but in totality, it has left me awed and amazed.
After my X-Terra came through in November of 2006, I felt as though I should acquire a personalized license plate. I had never been interested in doing this before, especially since I am a female in Los Angeles, and it could be one more thing that makes me a target. However, the impression was strong, so I played around with a few statements that would reflect my new driving life. "New Beginning" seemed apropos, so I went on the DMV website and played around with how to achieve a combination of letters that no one else had chosen and still have it fit into the DMV's designated space parameters. No easy task, but I came up with a winner, filled in the appropriate DMV form, and along with my check, sent it off.
Little did I know that this statement would come to represent more than just a vehicle.
By May of 2007, I was engaged to be married, and with my fiancee, purchased a home. In those dog days of Summer that comprise June, July and August, we packed, planned our wedding, moved into that new home, and then tied the knot!
My life had been permanently altered within an eight-month stretch! New Beginning Indeed!
It has taken awhile for my head to stop spinning--thank goodness it didn't show up in the wedding pictures!