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Full Interview: Mike Cargile for California Congress

Candidate Mike Cargile won the Top 2 California primary to challenge incumbent Rep. Norma Torres for the 35th Congressional District. So why does the CA GOP not want to back him?
Credit: Cargile for Congress website. Used with permission.

As a part of my exploration of the San Bernardino County Republican Central Committee, I sat down with Republican congressional candidate Mike Cargile for California 35. Part of this district is in the heart of San Bernardino County.

One of the many questions I asked Cargile was:

As the Girl Turns: “So why is the California GOP resisting your candidacy? And why isn't the San Bernardino County Republican Central Committee funding your campaign and pouring money into it?”

Mike Cargile: “Well, I think there's two things with that:  I don't think they have any money.”

That part one has been shown to be valid if you read the SBCRCC exclusive. The second part concerns his stance as a conservative for traditional values and culture. Cargile says that San Bernardino County and District 35 is—to use earthquake terminology—the epicenter.

“This district, the 35th, is the epicenter of an earthquake that will shake the country right here,” Cargile said. “We're dealing with trafficking. We're dealing with parental rights. If you see where the the big lawsuit with California, they're trying to make employees, primarily teachers, secret keepers.”

That big lawsuit would be California Attorney General Rob Bonta suing Chino Hills Unified School District for its parental notification policy that would require school administrators and teachers to inform parents on any actions by the school to transition their child from their birth sex to one of the many genders that the state recognizes. It would also involve Assembly Bill 1955, which is being pushed through by the California legislature by the Democrat Supermajority. This gut-and-amend nightmare would make any parental notification by teachers or school administrators a crime. These are definitely seismic shocks, and a conservative voice could speak to the grave concerns of California parents and children in the midst of all this rumbling. Democrat incumbent Congresswoman Norma Torres does not seem to be inclined to do so, and Cargile surmises she has another agenda afoot.

“This is where it all happens. This district is the heartbeat of the West Coast, or can be, Cargile says. But it can also be the the start of something really wonderful, and I'm hoping that that we are, because Norma’s got to go, and with her a whole host of evil.”

Cargile also goes into more detail about his being labeled as a QAnon conspiracy theorist and a racist by the legacy press, and why the California Republican Party has attempted to un-endorse him twice; most recently at their convention a few weeks ago. What I find interesting is that most of the coverage by these outlets, particularly in this recent Orange County Register opinion piece, hearken back to statements Cargile made on social media in 2020, but do not bother to point out any recent statements or posts, nor do they bother to talk about Cargile’s actual policy positions. It is now 2024, and four years later, many of the so-called conspiracy theories: from the trafficked children, to the gender ideology and the grooming being done to children, to elected and unelected officials roles in furthering the agenda and profiting from it, are being exposed. Just last week, the vaunted NIH emperor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, was shown to have no clothes, because the COVID Science™ he claimed was saving lives was nothing but a pack of lies that destroyed them. Too many who were maligned, labeled conspiracists, and targeted for destruction are now being proven right. This may well be the case with Mr. Cargile and his candidacy.

Credit: Cargile for Congress website. Used with permission.

This meaty interview with independent filmmaker and writer, Army veteran, husband, father, fur dad, and now Congressional candidate Mike Cargile allows him to state his own case.

So, feel free to dive right in.

In My Orbit with Jennifer Oliver O'Connell
Everything That's On My Mind...
Opinion and Analysis on Politics and Pop Culture, mostly, with Detours into Food, Yoga, and Reinvention.